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Showing posts from July, 2017

What Happens When You Look Down At Your Cell Phone

Other Titles: Wo of looking down at your cellphone device Indirect consequences of looking down at your mobile device The Vice of Devices endless loop Strategem Forget the fact they say due to overuse (AKA being a phone slave) that everyone's necks are becoming weak and this posture is also creating new types of back/spine related issues. ---This is not the real problem... it's only a smokescreen for something bigger--- Some real non-educated persons consider the current situation of 'playing with devices' as a form of evolution, as if this behavior is evolving humanity... how crude an observation.  (See the article on "What is Mental Retardation" for more info) This posture of staring downwards is however symbolic in the way of the phone user(slave) submitting(bowing down) to his master... You can imagine the master staring down at all those slaves in hypnotic submission and the master thinking... ...

What is Mental Retardation? - Part 1

The average person rarely asks them self... "Am I mentally retarded?" Recent subject research and observations have fortunately forced us to tackle this question in a wider scope, namely: "Is the general population mentally retarded?" Luckily, this includes you, the reader and this humble author as well. Most of us would consider ourselves the opposite of mentally retarded...right? ;)  If for example John asked Bob... "Are you mentally retarded Bob?" Bobs impulsive natural response would be... "NO!" John may continue... "Are you sure you抮e not retarded Bob?" At this stage if Bob contemplates the actual question by its actual definition, he has many options for answers... 1. Yes, I'm sure I'm not retarded... 2. No, actually I am retarded... 3. Maybe, perhaps I am retarded... Most of us due to pride and ego will immediately consider ourselves 'not retarded' and make this claim quickly. A cle...


Various Titles for this paper:   Why are my children addicted to the phone How to quickly fix child phone addiction HOW TO QUIT TECHNOLOGY TECHNOLOGY DETOX (100% CURE) PARENTS GUIDE TO RESPONSIBLE TECHNOLOGY AT HOME INTRO / BACKSTORY --------------- As a people watcher I began noticing a strange phenomenon in 2003 overseas which was not happening in Canada at that time... People were uncontrollably it seemed looking and holding mobile phonees for no reason.  I noticed each and every day on the train that impulsively upon sitting down roughly 90% of people would remove thier mobile phone, swipe it, notice nothing is ew on the screen and put it ack in theri pocket or bag... The more strange observation was within less than 90 seconds, they would again pull out the phone, swipe, look and put away again... This continued indefinitely in most cases.  It was at this point I made athe conscious decision > I WOULD NOT BE A VICTIM OF WHATEVER THIS PHENOMENON WAS.....


IS THE DECISION MAKING ABILITY OF THE HUMAN CORRUPTED? ====================================================== An old man walked by a middle aged woman on the street 10mins ago, she was staring at her cell phone and upon passing her on the sidewalk said in a freindly voice "You look just like a teenager". He was in essence paying her a compliment of sorts. An observation to note: 1. Both parties have accepted these behaviours as normal. So what is Normal? and what is Acceptance? Normal or Norm is defined as: A recognized type or a standard. Acceptance is defined as: Consent to receive something. So the old man has "acceptance" that teenagers walk around staring at phones is "normal". Therefore the middle aged women is like a teenager to him. Very curious logic! =================================================================== We have all been programmed to have "acceptance" for phones. OK, fine, lets agree on this point. ...
What is the purpose of youtube commenting robots (bot applications) ? =========================================================== We all look at the comments on social networks... lets be honest, everyone does. Most people believe each one of the comments is made by a real person. However, a very large percentage are actually "robot comments" or made by a "comment ro(bot)" In simple terms a comments bot is a computer program designed with the purpose of finding, commenting and replying to certain videos/posts that fit it requirements. The program first finds a video or post page based on the subject it is looking for, once it finds the page it "reads" all the comments and determines if anyone is commenting or discussing anything based on its final objective. If for example, the comment bot is built to look at all videos/posts titles relating to the topic/subject/video title... "University Students Protest High Book Fees" ...and its...
Attached is a trifold ( front and back ) which can be used in the home as a guide to technology detox and can also be distributed in Subways, buses and other public places. After distribution, you can pretend to read it yourself and then approach others to get their opinions.  Most people are too deep in 'sleep' to pick it up and read it themselves. This is caused by the effect of hypnosis from the device and signals it produces. Some people are very far gone and will require counselling to fully rehabilitate.  Parents are encouraged to take the initiative before the children completely lose control of behaviour and ultimately will have no personality to come back to... Please view and share our other papers regarding technology addiction  as well as technology detox and easy to understand facts about how technology actually alters your behaviour, personality and decision making abilities .   Article on social network comment bots here.